I'm a longtime OpenBSD user admin'ing my first FreeBSD box. During installation of the system (6.2-RELEASE), I saw the option to add the ports tree and did so, figuring it made sense to add at that point since I'd definitely be using it later. Unfortunatley, I've just now discovered -- after installing several ports from my sysinstall'd tree -- that this installed an old version of the ports free, from when this version of FreeBSD was released. This is a problem because I need newer versions of some of the ports than is currently available, and I'm not sure how to proceed.

What I'd really like to be able to do is used portsnap, which seems like a great tool, but preserve all of the information about my existing packages. I have no idea if I can just wipe out my old /usr/ports and run "portsnap extract" (I've already run "portsnap fetch"), or if doing so would break my ports DB, dependencies, or something else I'm not familiar with.

If this isn't possible, what's the simplest way of updating to the latest version of a given port, or even the latest version of all ports (if that can be done), before installing? I know I can upgrade an already-installed version of a port with portupgrade, but as I understand it, this won't help me if I have an old version of the ports tree, as it appears to determine whether a port is old based on the info in the tree.

Alex Kirk

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