Hi everybody, there wasn't chatter about this when sent to questions@, so I'm
trying the ports list. I've been struggling with this for the past day or so
and the archives + google aren't coming up with much except for other people's
success stories.

I recently ditched using the linux-firefox port in favor of the native version
when I read a post about nspluginwrapper. I've spent the last 2 days upgrading
many ports on my system bringing many libraries, etc. up to speed. I think I've
got things A-OK, but I cannot get nspluginwrapper to do anything meaningful
with the native firefox.

My config:

 6.2-STABLE as of april 10th
 CVSup'ed ports tree as of April 10th
 linux_base-fc-4_9 installed--do I need fc-6??
 linux-alsa-lib- also installed
 firefox-,1 compiled and installed
 linux-flashplugin9 installed

I did the following:

  % nspluginwrapper -v -i /usr/X11R6/lib/linux-mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so


Install plugin /usr/X11R6/lib/linux-mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
  into /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so

after firing firefox back up and doing about:plugins I see what I hoped to see:

   Shockwave Flash

       File name: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
       Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31

   MIME Type    Description     Suffixes        Enabled
   application/x-shockwave-flash        Shockwave Flash         swf     Yes
   application/futuresplash     FutureSplash Player     spl     Yes

However whenever I visit a site that utilizes Flash, nothing shows up--not even
an 'outline' of what should be a flash file playing.

I've tried using nspluginwrapper -r to uninstall the plugin and use
linux-flashplugin7 but the results are the same. I've also tried using
linux-mplayer-plugin which yielded similar results: about:plugins showed a
plethora of MIME type's, descriptions, etc. but no dice.

Does anybody have any clues as to what's going wrong or things I could possibly
try? From all accounts seen via google, this has "just worked" for people ... :(

Thanks in advance.


John & Jennifer Reynolds  johnjen at reynoldsnet.org        www.reynoldsnet.org
Structural/Physical Design - some group - Intel   jreynold at 
Running FreeBSD since 2.1.5-RELEASE.   KT7JCR        FreeBSD: The Power to 
"Unix is user friendly, it's just particular about the friends it chooses."
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