From: "timmartin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So I typically use portupgrade to install and upgrade my ports. I recently
realized that there's an additional apache22 module that isn't installed
by default that I would like. It's the mod_auth_dbd and mod_dbd modules
if you care. But the point is that I'm trying to figure out the easiest
way to have these built along with everything else.

Using portupgrade seems like it makes this a bit harder -- from a
read-only copy of the ports no less. Using 'configure' and/or make args
I got it to build those modules but it didn't build any of the other
ones that it normally builds. Is there a way to just simply specify the
addition of the ones i want and accept the defaults for everything else?

As you were using portupgrade, man pkgtools.conf

An Apache20 installation could look like this:

       'www/apache20' => [

make show-modules seems to indicate that there is a way to enable or
disable things before the build is triggered, but I couldn't find the
method to get all the defaults that the port normally builds in addition
to the two I need.

Why not? Defining a module should not change the default modules/catagories.

HTH, Helmut
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