On Thursday 12 April 2007 11:44:03 Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
> On Apr 12, 2007, at 11:56 AM, David Southwell wrote:
> > I am trying to setup mailman and am using apache22 with a number of
> > virtual
> > servers. All the virtual server roots are located on a seperate
> > physical
> > drives with the path to the root
> > being /usr2/virtualwebs/my_virtual_server_name/
> >
> > After  installed from /usr/ports/mail/mailman I find I have the
> > mailman  files
> > in /usr/local/mailman.
> >
> > I am puzzled about what files are meant to be placed in the path of
> > the server
> > root..(presumably my_virtual_server_name/mailman). I have looked at
> > docs but
> > if there is info on this I have failed to find it.  Should I have
> > compiled
> > with prefix=/usr2/virtualwebs/my_virtual_server_name/ or should
> > this be in
> > some config file?
> The short answer is apache's Alias and ScriptAlias directives.
> Here's a bit of mine
>   ScriptAlias /mailman "/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin"
>   Alias /pipermail "/usr/local/mailman/archives/public"
>   Alias /icons "/usr/local/mailman/icons"
> Take a look at
>   /usr/local/share/doc/mailman/FreeBSD-post-install-notes
> That tell you the kind of thing that you need to do to configure
> apache to find these things.  It will also point you to other mailman
> installation material in that directory.
> Below is a larger excerpt from my /usr/local/etc/apache22/extras/
> httpd-vhosts.conf
> ## lists.shepard-families.org
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/apache22/data/lists.shepard-families.org/
> ServerName lists.shepard-families.org
> AddDefaultCharset utf-8
> ScriptAlias /mailman "/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin"
> Alias /pipermail "/usr/local/mailman/archives/public"
> Alias /icons "/usr/local/mailman/icons"
> CustomLog /var/log/apache2/lists.shepard-families.org-access_log
> combined
> <Directory /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/>
>    AllowOverride None
>    Options +ExecCGI -Includes
>    Order allow,deny
>    Allow from all
> </Directory>
> <Directory /usr/local/mailman/icons>
>    order allow,deny
>    allow from all
> </Directory>
> <Directory /usr/local/mailman/archives/>
>    Options +FollowSymLinks
>    order allow,deny
>    allow from all
> </Directory>
> Ideally, it would be nice if the port deposited a sample
> configuration file in /usr/local/etc/apache-VERSION/Includes
> But I don't know how to do that with all of  the different apache
> ports (which, I believe, differ in how they organize the
> configuration files).
> Good luck with this.  As you can see I'm running mailman and apache22
> (and postfix) from ports and am very happy with it.
> -j
Thanks very much - very helpful.

May I trouble you with two additional questions..

1. File ownership in the /usr/local/mailman hierarchy.. should that remain in 
group and owner mailman? All files in my /usr2/virtualwebs/ hierarch are 
owner & group www.

2. What do I need to do to provide a link to mailman from an existing webpage? 
I must be missing the obvious I guess..wouldn't be the first time..but  I 
often find docs do not state stuff that is simple enough for developers to 
take for granted.  When writing docs it is difficult to think like someone 
who has never seen their stuff (or perhaps anything like it) before!!! 

Thanks again


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