On 4/23/07, Cheng-Lung Sung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    Quote from http://search.cpan.org/src/INGY/Kwiki-0.39/README

"Kwiki is *really* simple to install now. _All_ the Perl dependencies
 come with Kwiki, and are /preinstalled/. This means you just need Perl
 5.8.3 and a web server. Well actually we give you a web server too!...


Eventually all this work will make it back to CPAN, but likely not for a

    The kwiki-trunk-*.tar.gz already do so (bundling almost every plugin)
    I think I'd better take off these plugins from ports tree before
    'Ingy dot net' put them back.

    Just IMHO. :-)

That "*really* simple" was directed to poor Linux/Solaris
admins, who mostly have to install everything manually.
Bundles are evil :-) It's your call, of course, and
considering the devs aren't going to push the stuff back
to CPAN for a while, it seems you've made the right choice.

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