This is an error with cups-base compilation :

Making all in cups...
cd: can't cd to cups
gmake[307]: entrant dans le répertoire " /usr/ports/print/cups-base/ work/cups-1.2.10 "
chmod +x cups-config
for dir in cups backend berkeley cgi-bin filter locale man monitor notifier pdftops scheduler systemv test scripting/php conf data doc fonts ppd templates; do\
  echo Making all in $dir... ;\
  (cd $dir; gmake -w) || exit 1;\
[repeat this message again]

This message is an infinite loop where gmake[307] in next loop is gmake[308] and gmake[309] it is forking... And I must stop before too many process freeze my system.

Someone now where is the bug ??? (message "can't cd to cups" say where is the probleme I think)
Thanks you

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