If you ever figure out what special macros are or in which situations
the ''-U'' switch is useful, please do let me know.

Having "Special Macros" is (I am almost certain) a strange way of
saying that you have set various make variables which will affect
the dependency tree for a port.  Eg. if you were to have the
following in /etc/make.conf:


Then you'ld find that any port needed LDAP functionality would
depend on openldap-sasl-client-2.3.37 rather than

Thank you shedding light on that Matthew. I didn't know you could have variables such as these WANT_* ones. Where can I see what all WANT_* options are available for a particular port -- in the port's Makefile itself, or someplace else?

A quick clarification: while updating to Emacs 22.1, for instance, /usr/ports/UPDATING asks one to add a line such as "EMACS_PORT_NAME=emacs22" to /etc/make.conf. Does that count as a special macro (and so one should use portsdb -Uu while updating INDEX*.db)?

In which case, in order to have an accurate INDEX, you'ld need to
build one yourself rather than downloading the default one.
Building an INDEX from scratch is pretty time consuming, although
there are faster alternatives for incrementally updating it (if I
may be excused for blowing my own trumpet:

Thanks for mentioning that. If I ever need to use special macros I know where to look for faster INDEX updating. :)


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