On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 01:33:57AM -0700 I heard the voice of
Jeremy Chadwick, and lo! it spake thus:
> I'm one of those administrators who does not want something like
> portupgrade on his systems; I do not believe in having two separate
> databases maintaining dependencies and what's installed (portupgrade
> vs. base system pkg_* tools).  Lots of people love portupgrade, and
> that's great.  But the number of times I have seen reports of
> database corruption or "database sync mismatches" (portupgrade
> thinks A, while pkg_* thinks B) is astounding.

I'm always a little surprised at statements like this...

portupgrade manages all the regular /var/db/pkg/*/* files just like
any other tool.  It's got its db files, sure, but they're caches, not
alternate masters.  I've never seen a "sync mismatch" (or rather, I
see them all the time, when portupgrade sees that the source is newer
than its cache and updates the cache).

I've seen them go wonky a time or two when I've upgrade bdb or
ruby-bdb, but so what?  You blow 'em away and recreate them.  I blow
'em away every time I upgrade ruby or ruby-bdb or bdb just out of GP
to head off potential troubles.  With the growing number of installed
ports, rebuilding the pkgdb.db files takes a "long" time, but it's
what, a minute?  Minute and a half?

There are certainly reasons to dislike portupgrade (like that it's
slow.  Godawful long.  Where's-War-And-Peace-I-need-something-to-read
slow.  It's almost as slow as yum is on a machine twice as fast), but
I don't understand this one.  The db's dont go wonky with any notable
regularity IME, and when they do you just rm 'em and move on.  What's
the big deal?

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
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