On Tue, 14 Aug 2007, Rakhesh Sasidharan wrote:

Hi there!

I installed mail/pine and security/gnupg from ports. While trying to use gnupg, whenever it needed to ask me for the passphrase, I ran into errors such as the below:

gpg-agent[86284]: can't connect server: `ERR 67109133 can't exec `/usr/local/bin/pinentry': No such file or directory'

The pkg-message for gnupg clearly says that you need to have a pinentry program. Glad you figured that bit out.

--8<-- Two questions here:

1) Why isn't security/pinentry pulled in as a dependency of security/gnupg? Shouldn't that have been the "obvious" thing to do? Or is it possible to bypass pinentry somehow?

There are 4 different versions of pinentry, trying to determine what should be the default would be difficult at best.

2) If I do a "make install" in security/pinentry, it straight away moves onto compiling Qt etc (as dependencies for security/pinentry-qt I suppose). Shouldn't it rather ask me what I want and then accordingly install one of the pinentry-* ports?

If you want pinentry-curses, that's the port you should use.

Later, I installed pine-pgp-filters.

Always glad to have a new user, but you might have thought to cc this message to the author/maintainer of that port. :)

Now, whenever I send a mail and want to sign/ encrypt it and gnupg has to ask me for the passphrase, it messes my screen up! I get error messages like these:

Based on what Pine gives me to work with, I don't see any way that I could pass control of the terminal to a third application. I use gnupg2 with the gtk pinentry program with pine and the filters just fine, but if you can't do X, then ...

For now the only workaround I've come up with is to install security/gnupg1. That does not require pinentry and so it works well with pine-pgp-filters.

I think that's your only option.

hope this helps,



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