Hi Jaron (and the list),

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jaron Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Ran into a problem installing the freeradius-mysql port today, and thought i would share the fix...
If already reported, my appologies.
When building begins the following error occurred:
gmake[4]: .//libtool: Command not found

I edited /usr/ports/net/freeradius-mysql/work/freeradius-1.1.7/Make.inc
edited this line:
LIBTOOL      =.//libtool

changed it to this:
LIBTOOL         = /usr/local/bin/libtool

everything built fine afterwards.

This may or may not be the correct procedure for reporting, or fixing this, just felt I would share this with others in case they run into it. as well as notifying the maintainer.

Usually, emailing the maintainer is enough. Offering to email (or, even better, uploading to somewhere the maintainer can obtain) a typescript and config.log helps too. Use bzip2 or gzip to keep the file sizes down.

I suspect that the m4 / autotools brokenness that has affected the ports tree in various ways in the past few days is responsible. portsnap or cvsup your ports tree to the latest versions, then check that devel/m4 is 1.4.9 or 1.4.9,1 (not the broken 1.4.10). Building the latest versions of devel/libtool15 and devel/libltdl15 wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Once you've sorted those things out, I'd be surprised if the port doesn't then build as it is. I'm busy on development work with the port (and a FreeRADIUS 2.0.0-pre2 port). I haven't made any changes with the libtool handling, and have built the port numerous times over the last 36 hours on a couple of boxes. With the autotools / m4 stuff brought up to date, I'm not getting any make failures or libtool related problems that look like your post.

OS = FreeBSD 6.2 Stable

I'm using 6.2-RELEASE-p7 i386, but I very much doubt that changes anything.

Do email me privately with a typescript - see script(1) - and the contents of config.log in the work directory if you're still having problems. Run both files through bzip2 first - if you like, tar them together first. The output of uname -a is also helpful.

Best wishes,

David Wood
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