On Friday 05 October 2007 00:22:51 Ade Lovett wrote:
> On Oct 03, 2007, at 23:07 , Ade Lovett wrote:
> > On Oct 03, 2007, at 21:53 , Andy Fawcett wrote:
> >> ports/116767 apparently has a fix, but I've not had time to check
> >> it out yet.
> >
> > I've added it to my tinderbox and just fired off another build,
> > we'll see what happens (it appears to patch cleanly at least).
> I can confirm that this patch fixes the problem.   Does anybody from
> kde@ want to commit the patch, or can I go ahead and do it?

I can also confirm that the build is fixed with these patches.

I'm not able to test the changes at runtime though, I don't possess a printer.

Having said that, I think they can be committed because at least kdelibs will 
build then. I'm unsure whether the port revision should be bumped on this, my 
gut feeling says it should not.

lofi@ normally handles our commits, but I've not seen him around for a week or 
so. With my part of the kde@ hat, I approve you to commit. He can shout at me 
later if I'm wrong :)


Andy Fawcett                                     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."  -- anon  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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