On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 04:37:43PM -0500, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> I upgraded a server from php4 to php5.
> First I uninstalled php4.  Then I uninstalled php4-extensions.  Then I 
> installed php5.  Then I installed php5-extensions.
> Now, when I run portupgrade, I get a ton of complaints about php4 
> extensions that can't be updated.


> So, I started uninstalling those ports, but I discovered that the 
> uninstall was removing files installed by the php5-extensions install. 
> So, I had to uninstall each php4 extension, then uninstall each of the 
> corresponding php5 extensions and then reinstall them in order to get the 
> ports db straightened out and have the correct files on disk.
> Surely there's an easier way to do this?  What did I miss?  And why 
> doesn't the php4-extensions port uninstall each of the ports installed?

When I did this, I uninstalled the php4-extensions port, then all
the actual php4-extensions. I then uninstalled php4. I had to "force"
remove the old ports since stuff still depends on the ports. I made
sure to get the pecl port that I can't remember the name of now.
Then, I installed php5 and the php5-extensions port. Afterwards, I
did a pkgdb -F to fix all of the deps on old php4 ports that may
be left over. Finally, I tested everything that used php on my
machine. I think I reinstalled some of the ports that depended on
php, but since this all happened about a month ago I don't remember
what I needed to reinstall.

It really is pretty straightforward. You have to get rid of _all_
of php4 before you install php5, then make sure the portsdb is
straightened out. I'm not sure why folks are having so much trouble
with this...


Josh Tolbert
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  http://www.puresimplicity.net/~hemi/

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