On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 16:04:35 -0500, lemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've been struggling with FreeBSD's ruby18 port and threads. I realise
there's previous discussion[0] about this and I feel I'm blundering
somewhat, but here goes.

On both 7.x and 6.x boxes I've built ruby18 with the pthreads knob
deliberately turned off (the default). The resultant ruby has problems
with deep recursion, shown by this script[1] but less pathologically in
production in a busy RoR site too.

  $ ruby -e 'def d(x); p x; d x+1; end; d 0'

This bombs with SIGILL[2].

I note that, as per the conversations linked above, this build uses the
GCC option -pthread and links against libthr[3].

If I build the port without -pthread (and related config.h #define),
install the library alongside the from-port one, and employ the
resultant binary with some libmap.conf guidance I get a ruby which
behaves far nicer[4]. I can recurse way deeper and receive a graceful
SystemStackError exception when things hit the wall[5].

What's the score here? Clearly there's motive for building like it does,
but the hacked ruby works better for me in everyday life. Any ideas?

I hope this is on-topic for freebsd-ports. I mailed the maintainer first
but got no response.

People did a lot of test for lofi and me. You can see http://freebsd.rambler.ru/bsdmail/cvs-all_2005/msg08680.html ... Have ruby compiles without -pthread breaks more stuff than with -pthread. But we can't enable thread option because it also break more stuff than disable thread support. Weird?

As for your problem of ruby with -pthread. I have known about that problem and there used to have a PR of it, but I can't find that PR. It was only a problem that ruby with -pthread is causing.

I am not going to work on ruby all over again, so don't ask me. :-) I am hoping that someone can bring 100% solution, but we haven't get Mr. Right for ruby yet. Maybe Ruby 1.9 or 2.x with new VM/thread will solve this problem or not.


Regards, l.

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