Also a good thing to point out is that portupgrade can be configured to automatically start or stop a port's daemon via it's /usr/local/etc/rc.d script, which still relies on having the appropriate line in /etc/rc.conf to tell the rc.d script to run, but it is helpful for upgrading ports which have daemons so they can be shut down and then started again after the upgrade is complete.

Naram Qashat

Chuck Robey wrote:
I was wondering why ports apparently aren't allowed an obvious freedom, that of being able to set themselves to run as daemons. A greate long time past, I seem to remember that there used to be a file /usr/local/etc/rc.local, which (if it existed) would be automatically sourced in at the end of rc.conf. Ports which built daemons were allowed (well, actually, expected) to ask the user if they wished to activate the port, and if so, the port would add a line of the form 'portname_enable="YES"', and this would make your new port operate. Well, it seems from what I see of my new system, that this is no longer the case. I could understand (and approve of) ports not being allowed to modify any /etc/contents, but howcome ports can't use this rather obvious workaround?

I'm pretty sure this used to be allowed... and it seems like a good policy to me, from the number of non-technical folks who now run FreeBSD. I just wanted to know why its not anymore.
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