I sam working to try getting a current flash working, and I found something that seems screwy. I've had pr0blems with the way that ports do/don't respect LOCALBASE/X11BASE so far, and while I guess I was wrong, I think I would ask someone else to check this ... the www/linux-firefox-devel (and probably the linux-firefox) ports sticks its large selection of shared libs intoa subdir named firefox-devel, but instead of this going into /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib like I was expecting, its being stuck into /usr/local/lib. The files aren't bsd llibs, they're SYSV libs, so i dono't think that the linux ldconfig should go hunting over there.

I think it's installing in the wrong spot. So I can continue with my work on the Adobe stuff, I'm going to fix my stuff here anyhow. Let me know if I'm right, ok? I'd file the PR if you wanted, I just want someone to verify this as wrong.
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