FWIW, I've been converting my python webapps under apache22 from
mod_python to mod_wsgi.   I've found mod_python to be a real pain to get
working on some Solaris installs and mod_wsgi to be much easier to
configure and tweak.   This includes Trac and Pylons-based webapps.

Here's a blurb from the Trac folks:


and here's the author's docs on mod_wsgi integration with Trac:


The latter is filled with good info on variations you can use.

Having said that, here's my config from a box I haven't yet converted
from mod_python; I used ports for Apache, Trac, Python, SVN, ...

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName            trac.example.com
  ErrorLog              /var/log/trac.example.com.errors
  CustomLog             /var/log/trac.example.com.log   combined
  ServerAdmin           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <Location             />
        SetHandler      mod_python
        PythonHandler   trac.web.modpython_frontend
        PythonOption    TracEnvParentDir        /usr/local/trac
        PythonOption    TracUriRoot             /
        AuthType        Basic
        AuthName        "Trac"
        AuthUserFile    /usr/local/etc/apache22/htpasswd-svn
        AuthGroupFile   /usr/local/etc/apache22/htgroup-svn
        Require         valid-user
  <Location             /ploneprojects>
        Require         group ploneprojects
  <Location             /clientone>
        Require         group clientone

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