On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 10:59:55PM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Nikola Le??i?? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
>  2. Finer-grained package management is needed.  Creating a TeXLive
>     port as "one very large package" is possible but I do not think it
>     would work well.  There are many people who do not want to install
>     such a large package 

Have you considered a bsdpan-like system?

Perl has the CPAN module that has been glued to the pkg_* tools so
that installed modules "look like" packages.  Could the same kind of
thing be done for CTAN modules?

John D. "Trix" Farrar               __\\|//__               Basement.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   (` o-o ')   http://www.basement.net/

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