Hi there,

just a quick observation since I don't have time to fully debug this tonight:

On 6-stable from mid-October 4.2.1
<ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6.3-release/mail/courier-imap-4.2.1,1.tbz >

works fine, but the most recent port
# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/courier-imap/Makefile,v 1.122 2007/12/12 15:51:28 oliver Exp $

breaks connecting/login for some users with some clients, at least.

No errors are logged (or I can't find them but I was looking at *.debug) for the clients that don't work. Clients (squirrelmail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, fetchmail) appear to report a dropped connection and/or wrong user/pass.

Anybody else seeing this? How can I convince couriertcpd/imaplogin/ couriertls/imapd to produce *any* log output for those connection attempts? Googling around I only found suggestions to start strace/ ptrace'ing processes, and I find that a rather annoying method to find the root cause.


Stefan Bethke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Fon +49 170 346 0140

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