On 1/20/08, David Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Iguimar Antônio
> Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >Everything works fine. But when a tried compile some ports, (vscan,
> >courier-imap for example), I receive the following error message:
> >"courier-imap-4.3.0,1 is marked as broken: "Incomplete pkg-plist",
> >"*uvscan-5.10e_2* is marked as broken: "Incomplete pkg-plist"
> >uvscan-5.10e_2 is marked as broken: Incomplete pkg-plist. Other ports
> >works good.
> >Do you have any ideia.
> >I will apreciate any help.
> Your problems might track back to security/uvscan, which appears to have
> been deleted, even though I can't find an entry for it in
> /usr/ports/MOVED. The related security/uvscan-dat port expired in May
> 2006, and has been removed.

The port is actually in security/vscan, and it still exists.  It does
need an update to the latest version which doesn't need the
misc/compat3x libraries.

The security/uvscan-dat port was removed because it was constantly out
of date with the latest version of the dat files.  And was replaced
with the update_dat script in the security/vscan port.

To install security/vscan and courier-imap build the ports with TRYBROKEN.

cd /usr/ports/security/vscan
make install -DTRYBROKEN

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