On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 18:25:01 -0600, Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Sergey Matveychuk wrote:

After a long time, I've got a little free time and spent it working for
A new version (2.4.0) was released.

Congrats on both the new version, and finding the time. :)

This breaks certain ports (portupgrade -a) that have multiple ports
that can satisfy a depends.   For example net-p2p/deulge depends on
devel/boost but multimedia/miro depends on devel/boost-python.   The
only difference between boost and boost-python is boost-python sets
the -DWITH_PYTHON flag and lists lang/python
-2.5 while boost does not depend on it and makes the user specify the
above flag from the command line.  Under the old portugrade it relied
on miro and/or deluge to detect its own depends and since both did it
by xDEP on the installed files either whould be accepted.   Under the
new one portupgrade attempts to build from index depends thus does not
allow this interchangablity.

I handled this in portmaster by analyzing the CONFLICTS. If a requested dependency has a CONFLICTS line I check the glob patterns against the installed ports with pkg_info and keep going if we already have something installed that will work.

That's not a perfect solution, but it handles all the cases I've seen personally, or users complained about before that feature was introduced.

I love this solution, I remember this:




hope this helps,


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