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Scot Hetzel wrote:
> On 2/13/08, Nikolay Pavlov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello all. I am a maintainer of the net-im/openfire port. I have a report
>>  from Dmitri Frolov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> that openfire uses the same uid
>>  as security/stunnel port. Could someone please suggest me as how i can
>>  resolve this situation?
> If you look at security/cyrus-sasl2/pkg-install, it checks to see if
> the username exists, if it doesn't exist, then it checks if the uid is
> available, if it is not available, it increments the uid until it
> finds an available uid.
> Both ports should be using a similar routine to check if the uid/gid
> they are requesting is available.

Actually, that's old hat.  The current standard is that you should
pick an otherwise unused UID (and/or GID) from /usr/ports/UIDs and
register that as belonging to your port.  Submit a maintainer update
with patches to UIDs and GIDs plus modifications to the way the port
is installed so that it uses the allocated numbers, and you're golden.

If another port has a UID clash with yours and you have established
rights by registering the uid in this way, then you can insist that
the other port is changed to not clash with yours.



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