Dear all,

I've been getting a lot of request for an update of the port to version

I have put together a version and uploaded it to [1] for testing.

 - boost and boost-python no longer conflict (boost-python just adds
   the missing bits)
 - Support for OpenMPI and MPICH (in boost-openmpi and boost-mpich)
 - Support for ICU, GraphML and threads

Missing features / Todo:
 - Tested on FreeBSD7/i386 only
 - Py++ not ported yet
 - Several tools are not included yet: bcp, waste, ...
 - Ports depending on boost have *NOT* been tested with this version of
   the port yet.

Because I will leave for a three week vacation tomorrow morning, I would
like to ask you to give this port a try, esp. if the port works on any
of the other FreeBSD platforms, if other ports in the ports collection
need patches, etc. I will take care of your feedback after my return.

Best regards,


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