On Jul 15, 2008, at 7:37 AM, Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
Anders Nore wrote:
So my question is, shouldn't "pkg_add -r zip" check installed
packages for dependencies and make a correct +REQUIRED_BY file for
zip? I know that portupgrade and portmaster does this.
As I understand, adding and upgrading should be separate processes.
Yes. However, pkg_add (as it stands) in master mode calls pkg_info
which then evaluates whether or not to upgrade a given package.
When you add a package, you should check if an old version of the
package or conflicting packages exist and install package otherwise.
There are some unclean cases there. E.g. packages with different
PREFIXes, etc.
Indeed, unless you have separate databases for each package (which is
easy to do with a separate copy of /var/db/pkg, but it looks like
pkg_add currently lacks that functionality).
I'll see about writing up that enhancement...
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