Isaac Grover wrote:
Good evening from Wisconsin,

Good morning from Kent

This post is regarding the xdelta-1.1.3 port included in FreeBSD
6.2-RELEASE.  Please direct me to the proper mailing list if this is
not where I should be posting.

No -- this is the correct mailing list for discussing all things ports
related. You might want to try contacting the port maintainer though --
to find the maintainer:

  % cd /usr/ports/misc/xdelta
  % make maintainer

I am attempting to use xdelta on tar files currently just over 8.2GB.
My syntax to get the delta is "xdelta delta oldtarfile newtarfile
patchfile" according to the man page.  When the patchfile has been
created, it is around 5.3MB in size.  To verify the patchfile, using
"xdelta patch patchfile oldtarfile newtarfiletest" yield a
newtarfiletest of 465MB.  Available space shouldn't be an issue, as I
have 22GB available on this partition.

Could anyone here provide some insight as to why this xdelta port
isn't functioning as advertised?

One possibility is that this is related to the size of the files
you're dealing with.  Does xdelta function correctly for
smaller tarballs?  Is this on a 32 or a 64 bit system?

Could you try the misc/xdelta3 port which contains version 3.0t -- a late beta test version but pretty stable?

If this is a problem that you need a fast work-around to, check
out -- written by the chap who is currently FreeBSD security officer, and part of the base system
in FreeBSD.  See bsdiff(1) and bspatch(1).



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                 Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                 Kent, CT11 9PW

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