On Thursday 21 August 2008 02:49:42 Andy Fawcett wrote:
> On Thursday 14 August 2008 05:38:16 Dima Panov wrote:
> > To flex maintiner: ${PREFIX}/include is not good place for confliting
> > header file, FlexLexer.h. Move it into subdirectory instead and teach
> > ports, which really need this version, to use new version..
> Dima, has this been PR'd against textproc/flex?
> We (kde@) know about the kdesdk3 case (ports/115912), but I'd prefer to
> see flex port fixed as you suggested. It's just plain wrong.

There is best way - update flex in base system, and resolve any conflicts.
BTW, it should be painless operation - base system already have flex 2.5.4, 
and any troubles betweet system and port flex is some function redefine, and 
bunch of new table functions (system lib doens't work with port's include and 
vice versa).

I don't have much experience with this kind of work, but will try to make 
patch in a day-two..

Second way is manual set path to ports flex ( as ports/115912 suggest) in any 
port, which want to use extended flex/yy functions (and only God know number 
of such ports).

Dmitry "Red Fox" Panov @ Home              FreeBSD since September, 1995
Khabarovsk, Russia                   Jabber.org:fluffy.khv | ICQ:1745024

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