> >  i think this *time does not match* happens when a previous fetch fails 
> > midway 
> > or something similar. someone else might clarify, but this should work
> I actually did that before and it didn't work.

For me the following procedure worked: 

wget http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.3.8/cups-1.3.8-source.tar.gz
(or use ftp instead of http)
gunzip cups-1.3.8-source.tar.gz

Save the previous version (I use the command: 
pkg_create -b cups-base-1.3.7_4 but check your backup if you need to
reinstall the previous release)

bzip2 cups-1.3.8-source.tar
cp cups-1.3.8-source.tar.bz2 /home/ports/distfiles/
(replace /home/ports by the ports tree home )

make NO_CHECKSUM="yes"

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