On 09/13/08 16:56, Frank Jahnke wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-09-13 at 23:51 +0900, Norikatsu Shigemura wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:23:37 +1000
>> Peter Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>      Recentry, wine is good solution for using Flash.
> I use this too.  

So you use wine + windows_firefox + windows_flash on FreeBSD with no
problems? That'd be just the solution I'm looking for, as I neither need
nor want permanent flash support, I need it only for the very occasional
site that I can't look at without flash.

Thanks for clarification,

Tobias Roth   ||   http://fsck.ch   ||   PGP: 0xCE599B4D
| To make honey, young bee need young flower. Not old prune.
|  - Mister Kesuke Miyagi
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