At 5:28 PM -0700 9/21/08, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 06:45:22PM -0400, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
 I do not understand how that makes any difference.  He had all his
 commands in .bashrc, and sourced it from .bash_profile.  If he
 moves all his commands to .bash_profile, and then sources that
 from his .bashrc, then isn't the result exactly the same?  Either
 way, all commands should be executed no matter how bash starts up.

The INVOCATION section of the bash man page goes over the subtle

Okay, I've re-read it, and I'm still missing what the difference
would be.  I'm not arguing that you're wrong, I'm just saying that
I don't understand it.  Apparently your advice did help the person
with the original problem, but I'm still sitting here with literally
tens of thousands of RPI users who did it "the wrong way", and not
one of them has ever reported a problem due to that.  Now, most of
those people have never used FreeBSD, but I've used this same setup
on freebsd for at least 13 years, and have never seen a problem.

      a) .bashrc sources .bash_profile
or    b) .bash_profile sources .bashrc

In both cases, both  .bashrc and .bash_profile will exist.  So,
any decision that bash makes based on the *existence* of either
file should be the same.  In both cases, both files exist.  If
bash picks one file to source, that file will either contain the
commands to execute, or it will source the other file which
contains those very same commands.  I don't see how that could
possibly make any difference.

Obviously I'm then at a loss to explain how the problem went away
for the original user.  All I can guess is that maybe one of the
files was permitted wrong, and he happened to fix that while moving
the files around.  I admit that doesn't seem likely, but I just
cannot see how your advice managed to fix his problem.

Sign me:  Confused in Troy...

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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