On Friday, 31 October 2008 at 16:05:16 -0400, Greg Larkin wrote:
> I've been working on PR 126343
> (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/126343) to get MythTV
> upgraded to 0.21 on FreeBSD.

Sorry for the slow reply.  I've been busy with other things, and
currently I'm not in a position to test a new MythTV version.

As ex-maintainer of this port, however, I've received a number of
notifications from the MythTV developers of build fixes for FreeBSD.
Are you aware of them?  I can bounce them all to you if you like, or
if there's consensus, I can send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One thing that has been a bone of contention in this port is the
handling of deleting the 'mythtv' user when removing the port.  I
don't believe that the user should disappear just because the port is
removed; it's often easier to remove a port and reinstall it rather
than upgrade it.  I'm told that the correct behaviour is that the user
should only be removed if no files under ~mythtv have changed.

One of the PRs mentioned here has addressed this issue, but after
cursory examination I'm not sure it does it right.  In particular,
just not creating the user is not a solution.

See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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