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Julian Stacey wrote:
> Hi ports@,
> Can anyone reccomend some ports to install on a FreeBSD web server,
> for a club of mostly non technical people, to support:
>   - All club members can add events to a forthcoming calendar,
>   - All club members can request server to prepare a listing 
>     of next next upcoming events, to download (probably in PDF,
>     or perhaps tbl to a pipe or ?
>   - A list of moderators can delete fake events from robots & the malicious.
>   - Preferably moderators should not themselves be capable of
>     deleting logged event submission, but only capable of deleting
>     events formatted to the ouput printable programme sheet. (To
>     autopsy for suspect rogue moderators)
>   - I guess first entry criteria might be a fuzzy picture for human
>     to decode password from). 2nd might be mail return for confirm password,
>   - & 3rd, A majordomo (later mailman) maintained list of club members & 
>     moderators etc is available for automated validation.
>   - I hope there will be some packages available,
>     http & probably wiki based etc, that will come close enough ?
> I'm hoping this has been done often enough that people can suggest
> names of ports already existing ? If not I dont mind creating a
> port if I have to, but dont want to write something from scratch.
> PS
> - I've had apache up for years, but no wiki yet, so if any tips,
>   shout please, even if just TFM URL=.... :-)
> - Web based forums I don't care about, but others may, so I suppose if some
>   software does & does not support web forums, it'd be good to know.
> - Please keep me "Julian Stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc'd as I'm not on ports@
> Suggestions welcome please ! Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Julian

Hi Julian,

Would WebCalendar do the job for you: http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php?
 I think it has most, if not all, of the features you're looking for.

I maintain the www/webcalendar and www/webcalendar-devel ports, so let
me know if you need any other questions answered or help getting it set up.

- --
Greg Larkin

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http://www.sourcehosting.net/ - Ready. Set. Code.
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