I'm not sure when this started because I almost never open MS type docs and when I do it is only to read them. Yesterday I found out, quite by accident, that everyone in our offices, is unable to use the deadkey accents for á é í ó ú etc but the ñ works fine so it seems to be limited to the dead keys. I'm writing this in KDE ( all deadkeys work as expected in all kde apps) in term windows, even in ttyv[0.7] so it seems to be 100% openoffice centric.

The Spanish spell check works fine and a cut and paste of an accented vowel works fine ( the current local work around).

Has anyone else seen this and found a configuration or build option that I'm missing? Should I open a PR? I did try OpenOffice.org-3 and the same problem plus I didn't see an obvious way to download the spelling wizard with it so I blew it away.


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