On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:20 AM, Silver Salonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Garrett Cooper-6 wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:02 AM, Silver Salonen
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I created a port for Museek+ which is built with cmake now. The problem
>>> is
>>> that although it gets built OK, cmake cannot link one of its executables
>>> against libxml++:
>>> =====
>>> ... [100%] Building CXX object
>>> museekd/CMakeFiles/museekd.dir/distributedsocket.cpp.o Linking CXX
>>> executable museekd /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxml++-2.6 *** Error code 1
>>> =====
>>> Concerning libxml++, cmake seems to find it OK - before building:
>>> =====
>>> -- checking for one of the modules 'libxml++-2.6' -- found libxml++-2.6,
>>> version 2.22.0
>>> =====
>>> Previously I had a problem with cmake finding libiconv.h, but I resolved
>>> it
>>> But
>>> I guess it's irrelevant and not even similar.
>>> Is there anything to be specified in order to cmake to find libxml++
>>> correctly?
>> 1. Does /usr/local/lib/libxml++-2.6.a and/or
>> /usr/local/lib/libxml++-2.6.so exist?
>> 2. What are your CXXFLAGS / LDFLAGS?
> 1. Yes:
> $ ls -1 /usr/local/lib/libxml++*
> /usr/local/lib/libxml++-2.6.a
> /usr/local/lib/libxml++-2.6.la
> /usr/local/lib/libxml++-2.6.so
> /usr/local/lib/libxml++-2.6.so.2
> 2. CXXFLAGS: -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
> LDFLAGS: nothing

Sorry -- let me rephrase: what are CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS set to for the port?
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