Robert Huff wrote:

 A few days ago, gcc-4.3 became the default fortran compiler for
 the ports.  Go ahead and erase the gcc-4.2 compiler - create the
 gcc-4.3 compiler, and everything after that will be fine.

        1) What is the realtionship between this gcc and the gcc used
to compile the system?
        2) Do you know why this isn't noted in /usr/ports/UPDATING?


2) You make a good point. Why don't you raise this on po...@freebsd? This should be corrected. In fact, I am going to copy this to po...@freebsd.

1) I think that in most cases, the only reason why gcc is brought in is because the gcc that is in the base system does not include a fortran compiler. So any port that uses fortran (e.g. lapack, etc) has to install a fortran compiler.

Having said all this, why doesn't first check to see if gfortran42 was already installed, and then only install gfortran43 if a fortran is needed?

But I have the impression that quite a few changes have been made to recently, so some mistakes are understandable.

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