,--- You/Dan (Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:39:10 -0700) ----*
| > While this enabled the mouse (without HAL), it did nothing good about:
| >
| >    a. The bogus keyboard scans.

You are quoting me and I need to clarify...

| Everyone is talking about an xorg.conf
| The new X.org 7.4 upgrade hit me too: no keyboard & no mouse!  Bummer.
| I found that if I simply added to /etc/rc.conf:
|    hald_enable="YES"
| that things now work for me.
| Previously I never have had hald in my rc.conf.
| Hope this helps.

My worst case is not HAL-related: I had the same behavior with or
without HAL, and the behaviour was, e.g.:

  * I press the keys "TAB q w" over an `xev' window and see the bogus
    key scan codes -- nothing related to the pressed keys.

  * In a moment the xev-monitoring xterm window shows a non-stopping
    flow of events, even though I am not touching anything on the

  * With some combination of a few key presses over the `xterm'
    window, suddenly a long stream of `2's appears.  Or `z'.  Or
    something else, unrelated to the keys I had pressed.

There has been nothing of this sort on my desktop, where I am typing
this message -- so, I think I know how to configure X :-).

On this desktop I am currently running this new X (installed it on
Sunday) -- first I ran it with HAL, then today I switched to the
HAL-less mode.

I did complain about the garbage in my windows -- and it got me, there
was so much of it: I switched to the HAL-less mode a few hours ago and
so far it seems I have less of it.  

Another thing that I am certain about, is that in the HAL mode (I am
not yet sure about the behavior in my current HAL-less mode), there is
a dramatically higher mouse pointer captivity by some applications
(e.g. `opera') -- it sometimes takes (took?) about 10 seconds after
shifting a pointer into an xterm or Emacs to be able to produce any
keyboard input.  I did notice these things with the old X, but on a
scale dramatically smaller.

,--- You/Dan (Wed, 28 Jan 2009 21:11:13 -0700) ----*
| This 7.4 version of X.org is not ready for STABLE!

I hate to say this, but the new X (as exists in the current FreeBSD
ports) sucks and gets in the way of work big time.

-- Alex -- alex-goncha...@comcast.net --

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