Martin Wilke wrote:
> Howdy Guys,
> KDE 4.2 is more or less ready for testing, but we have some
> open tasks before we will officially call for testing. We would
> like to know how many people are still using KDE4 on FreeBSD 6.4?
> We are considering dropping support for 6.x.
> Let me explain.
> First of all it is sad to say, but currently there are only 2
> people who actively work on KDE4. It is _really_ hard work to
> get KDE4 ready for FreeBSD. Also it is getting harder to build
> KDE4 with gcc 3.x. Of couse if somebody want to support KDE4
> on 6.x you are welcome to our team! Try to compile KDE, make
> patches and push them upstream! So, in order to move forward
> we may have to drop 6.x support. We just don't have the manpower
> to build multiple versions.
> Ok, enough for the moment. What do you think about
> 6.4 support?
> - Martin

I guess I'm not the first to suggest:

Would it be possible (maybe easier for you) to require a newer gcc?  I
use FreeBSD 6.4.  Some of the ports I use require KDE, but these ports
are not critical to me.  Other ports require gcc43 because of issues
with gfortran (math/R, math/atlas), so I already have a newer gcc.  I
use Windowmaker.

Thanks for your work.

Rick Voland

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