Alex Goncharov wrote:
,--- You/Peter (Sat, 31 Jan 2009 06:53:11 +1100) ----*
| X11 is a critical component for anyone who is using FreeBSD as a
| desktop and having upgrades fail or come with significant POLA
| violations and regressions for significant numbers of people is not
| acceptable.

Fully agree with this.

| I suggest that this approach needs to be followed for every future
| release of until (if) the Project demonstrates that they
| can provide release-quality code.

And agree with this, as far as the future is concerned -- but this
leaves out the issue of what is going to be done for people whose
systems became practically incapacitated in a matter of one day.

Screw us?

I realize that personally I haven't contributed much (hey, a simple
port's maintainer!) to FreeBSD, so a disregard to my situation may be
well deserved.  But "you" (whoever this "you" is: the "ports manager",
the X port maintainers) have to be aware that leaving the things in
the state they are now, you are screwing somebody.

| >  This update also brings in support for a lot of people who are
| >running newer hardware.
| | And breaks support for lots of people who used to have functional X
| servers.

Just so.

,--- Kostik Belousov (Fri, 30 Jan 2009 22:25:09 +0200) ----*
| Just to give a different view on *this* update. I have exactly opposing
| experience.
| | So far 1.5.3 + updated DRM works good on all my Radeons.
| And, I did not have a problem with i945GM on 1.4.2 and 1.5.3.

Well, glad for you -- meanwhile I will be reverting my desktop to the
old X this weekend: the garbage on the screen is ugly, but the fact
that in the new X "opera" can grab a pointer for about a minute makes
the combined use of the browser and xterms/Emacses plain intolerable.

After I do this, as I did with my laptop already, I think I am
completely cut off from the ports automated upgrade cycle.

-- Alex -- --

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To add my experience, I have been using X on intel hardware since the late eighties when you had to calculate your modeline by hand. But I guess I have
gotten spoiled by how easily it now is to normally configure X. Run
X -configure and you normally are good to go. Well at work I had a dual
head matrox card that would not configure after the upgrade, so I took it
out of the machine to use the built in via graphics controller that worked fine
under 1.4 but when I ran X -configure there was an error trying to load the via
driver, because it didn't compile ( and as I later found out has been replaced by the openchrome driver - didn't see anything about that in UPDATING ) so the automatic config fell back to using the vesa driver. But when I tried to run
X -config /root/ X reported it couldn't find any screens for vesa
driver no matter how I changed the config. After fighting with this for half a day I reverted back to 1.4 because I needed my machine operational to get some
work done.


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