Oliver Lehmann wrote:

If someone wants to try out xfce 4.6 RC1 here are my patches:


This one needs to be applied below /usr/ports.

With xfce 4.6 there are also 3 new ports. You will find them here:


Please extract this tarball also below /usr/ports.

Then deinstall your xfce 4.4 ports, cd into /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4 and
"make install".

Any comments welcome..


i also was using your patchset actively :) thanks for the port so far.

I noticed some things on the way:

The mixer application unfortunatly uses gstreamer now, and i think it is rubbish :P. Could the old mixer be preserved somehow? It was clean and very simple. I also remember to remember that the new one doesnt work that well.

# EDIT: you should probably ignore this
This is probably an issue of xfce itself, but maybe worth mentioning; The drag&drop between xfdesktop and thunar is kinda quirky. I noticed that files get copied instead of renamed when I drag them elsewhere in the same filesystem (again between xfdesktop and thunar). Also highlighting multiple files and then using drag&drop only caused the single actually dragged file to be moved (... copied).
# end igrone

BTW: Is the HAL automounting working in xfce? i never really tried to make it work. Is it set up analog to gnome (its horror there)?

Thanks for your work, I really appreciate it.

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