On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 07:28:34PM +0200, Sandra Kachelmann wrote:
> Why does freebsd ports not use ansi colors? This would be so nice :-)
> Eg. ECHO_MSG would be so much more visible within the compilation
> soup. Gentoo uses colors too!

I have no comment on using ANSI colors, but I'd like to point something
out that I think is more important than coloring build output...

During compilation the most important information to users is contained
in the pkg-message that is displayed.  Traditionally this has shown to
be a problem because it often gets pushed into the scrollback buffer.
I've got a patch sitting in GNATS about this that I'd like feedback on.
It collects all the pkg-message files and displays them in a pager at
the end of the build.

I'm hoping people will comment on it and it will eventually make it into
the tree as I think it will be useful.  I know portmaster has a similar
behavior which I find quite useful when updating lots of ports.


-- WXS
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