On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Scott Bennett <benn...@cs.niu.edu> wrote:
>>Can you paste the 'ANSWER SECTON' from:
>>  'dig portsnap2.freebsd.org'
>     Sure, but I'm curious to know why.  The names all do resolve to A RRs,
> and pings to each by name did get echos back.  Here it is, although I did
> terminate the domain name by habit.  Surely portsnap must not be so silly
> as to pass unterminated names to the resolver.  (Actually, I'm including
> the whole output, not just the answer section.)

To make sure it wasn't a DNS problem (or DNS poisoning / hijacking).

> portsnap2.freebsd.org.  3600    IN      A

Same output for me..

Glen Barber
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