On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:

DM> JMC> > > on a couple of my workstations, after portupgrading, I've found 
DM> JMC> > > gnome-screensaver after activating renders X unusable, as it shows 
desktop with 
DM> JMC> > > password dialog box for fraction of second, then blanks it back.  
DM> JMC> > > gnome-xscreensaver from other console helps, but it does not seem 
for me to be 
DM> JMC> > > a solution.
DM> JMC> > > 
DM> JMC> > > previously, I found it would be glitches with hald/dbus, and 
DM> JMC> > > shutdown of these services and then starting them helped, but now 
it's not the 
DM> JMC> > > case: even reboot does not fix this.
DM> JMC> > > 
DM> JMC> > > Any hints? Thanks!
DM> JMC> > 
DM> JMC> > I see this periodically when doing port updates.  I think that it 
has to
DM> JMC> > do with re-installing either gnome-screensaver or consolekit.  A 
DM> JMC> > has always solved it for me.
DM> JMC> Actually, it's gdm.  Every time gdm gets updated, you need to logout of
DM> JMC> GNOME, restart gdm, then log back in.
DM> Well, this scheme helped all the times before, but now it at least seems it 
DM> does not. I'll try to test it again after returning home and report back 
DM> results.

Well, for two contemporary RELENG_7/i386 machines I confirm than ewen after 
portupgrade -f gdm gnome-screensaver consolekit 
and subsequent reboot, activating screensaver leads to the effect described 

Both machines use VESA X driver, if it's important.

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
[ FreeBSD committer:                                 ma...@freebsd.org ]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- ma...@rinet.ru ***
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