Quoting Robert Huff <roberth...@rcn.com>:

eculp writes:

 On my laptop running uptodate current and kernel although not rebooted
 for 2 days.

 # uname -a
 FreeBSD ed.local.net.mx 8.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT #235: Tue Jun
 9 09:08:35 CDT 2009
 r...@ed.local.net.mx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ENCONTACTO  i386

 Is anyone else seeing the following termination message after maybe 10
 seconds of acroread9 operation?

 # acroread9
 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RSException'

        Yes, though my version of the OS is a couple of months older.

 Maybe I should open a ticket?

        Please do.  I dropped a private note to the maintainer, but have
had no response.

Done, Robert.  http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=135486



                                        Robert Huff

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