On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 08:24:38AM +0200, Andrea 'simplex' Zulato wrote:
> Hi, i've upgraded c-ares and Unreal from ports but Unreal won't work.
> It start without a problem but when someone try to connect to the server
> it crash with a core dump error:
> Jun 16 09:03:33 hazard kernel: pid 57652 (ircd), uid 0: exited on signal
> 11 (core dumped)
> I've tried to recompile unreal and c-ares whitout any result ("make
> install" finish without problems on both ports).
> If there's something that i could try, please tell me...
> I'm on a FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p1 #0.


I've CC'd Gerrit Beine (the actual maintainer of the irc/unreal port :)
and Ilya Andreev, who reported the same problem to me yesterday.

Some time ago, I sent my proposed c-ares update for testing to all
the maintainers of ports that depend on c-ares directly.  My patches
made the ports compile, but I didn't have the proper setup to actually
test them working, since I'm not quite familiar with the programs
themselves.  Thus, I asked the maintainers for help with testing, and
after nobody replied for a week or so, I went ahead and commited the update.

Now Ilya Andreev and you have both hit a problem with UnrealIRCd,
and Ilya seems to have found a solution.  Could you try putting
the attached patch-res.c into the irc/unreal/files/ directory and
rebuilding UnrealIRCd?  If this patch helps, I could commit it if
Gerrit Beine does not mind.


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net    r...@space.bg    r...@freebsd.org
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This inert sentence is my body, but my soul is alive, dancing in the sparks of 
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