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On June 23, 2009 01:52:47 pm Alexey Shuvaev wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:13:48AM -0400, Thomas Abthorpe wrote:
> > 2009/6/23 Chris Rees <utis...@googlemail.com>:
> > > 2009/6/23 Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org>:
> > >> Thomas Abthorpe wrote:
> > >>> To have localization, you need internationalization, so from this, I
> > >>> stand by my original proposal of i18n.
> > >>
> > >> I have no objection to your reasoning, but continue to object to the
> > >> specific string. If you're going to go down this road then
> > >> "internationalization" would be the better choice.
> > >>
> > >> Doug
> > >
> > > I would agree with Doug. We're in the days of tab-completion, and
> > > typing 'in<TAB>' will suffice to get there. I for one *hate* numbers
> > > in paths; it takes one's hand off the letters. Also, I had to look up
> > > i18n to find out what it was... Categories should be immediately
> > > descriptive.
> Hard to achive... x11-wm, x11-fm, audio vs. multimedia, ...

Agreed, but I still don't have to like it!

> > > Also, the French have to use Shift to type numbers; it's even more of
> > > a pain for them!
> Unrelated problem.

Agreed, FreeBSD is developed/rooted in en_US anyway. And from my limited 
contact with my European brethren, they seem to prefer US keyboards for their 
FreeBSD work.

> head -50 test.c
> kill -s KILL 46129
> man 3 printf
> mount /dev/da0a mnt/
> I think you can't avoid using numbers in command-line.
> BTW, numbers are much better than spaces or localized characters:
> 'Мои документы' ( == 'My Documents')


> > > Chris
> >
> > You have struck a chord with numbers in the path, reminds me of the
> > pre-Xorg days with /usr/X11R6, not sure what I disliked more, the
> > capital letters or the numbers!
> >
> > I hereby relent, and yield to the logic of the arguments placed before
> > me, I now agree that using internationalization for the category name
> > is a better idea.
> Well, if the new category supposed to be real,
> I don't like 'internationalization' name.
> The reason? Very simple.
> For now I get:
> ~> ls /usr/ports/
> CHANGES       archivers     finance       misc          shells
> COPYRIGHT     astro         french        multimedia    sysutils
> GIDs          audio         ftp           net           textproc
> INDEX-8       benchmarks    games         net-im        ukrainian
> KNOBS         biology       german        net-mgmt      vietnamese
> LEGAL         cad           graphics      net-p2p       www
> MOVED         chinese       hebrew        news          x11
> Makefile      comms         hungarian     packages      x11-clocks
> Mk            converters    irc           palm          x11-drivers
> README        databases     japanese      polish        x11-fm
> Templates     deskutils     java          ports-mgmt    x11-fonts
> Tools         devel         korean        portuguese    x11-servers
> UIDs          distfiles     lang          print         x11-themes
> UPDATING      dns           mail          russian       x11-toolkits
> accessibility editors       math          science       x11-wm
> arabic        emulators     mbone         security
> which fits fine in one 80x25 terminal window.
> With the new category:
> ~> ls /usr/ports/
> CHANGES              devel                net-p2p
> COPYRIGHT            distfiles            news
> GIDs                 dns                  packages
> INDEX-8              editors              palm
> KNOBS                emulators            polish
> LEGAL                finance              ports-mgmt
> MOVED                french               portuguese
> Makefile             ftp                  print
> Mk                   games                russian
> README               german               science
> Templates            graphics             security
> Tools                hebrew               shells
> UIDs                 hungarian            sysutils
> UPDATING             internationalization textproc
> accessibility        irc                  ukrainian
> arabic               japanese             vietnamese
> archivers            java                 www
> astro                korean               x11
> audio                lang                 x11-clocks
> benchmarks           mail                 x11-drivers
> biology              math                 x11-fm
> cad                  mbone                x11-fonts
> chinese              misc                 x11-servers
> comms                multimedia           x11-themes
> converters           net                  x11-toolkits
> databases            net-im               x11-wm
> deskutils            net-mgmt
> which is too long.
> You need to scroll to see the whole content of the folder.

That is an annoyance. However I would like to think that with the ongoing 
evolution of FreeBSD and the ports tree, that this will change at some point 

> About the topic: from
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2009-June/055424.html
> > It is my intention for ports that do localization related work
> > would remain in their existing category, and if appropriate
> > we could add the new name to CATEGORIES.
> from:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2009-June/055463.html
> > To paraphrase a couple of key points
> >
> > "Localization refers to the adaptation of a product, application
> > or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements
> > of a specific target market (a "locale")."
> >
> > ...
> >
> > "Internationalization is the design and development of a product,
> > application or document content that enables easy localization
> > for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language."
> >
> > To have localization, you need internationalization, so from this,
> > I stand by my original proposal of i18n.
> >
> >From the above my conclusion is, if gettext stays in devel
> and kde3-i18n-ca goes to new category, this new category is
> for *localized* versions of different applications but not for tools
> that help doing *internationalization*.

Localization is a subset Internationalization, so the new category becomes a 
catch all for both entities.

> In any case (I mean the name of the new category), given that some
> ports will go into it and some will stay in their current categories
> I think the new category should be virtual, not real.

I would like for it to be a real category, so we can unclutter the misc/ 
folder, and encourage more local/internationalized stuff in the new category.

> 0.02$,
> Alexey.

Thanks for the feedback Alexy, I will include this entire thread when I make 
my pitch to port...@.


- -- 
Thomas Abthorpe         | FreeBSD Committer
tabtho...@freebsd.org   | http://people.freebsd.org/~tabthorpe
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