I have a Samsung YP-T10 MP3 player that talks MTP.  On 7.x, it works
fairly well with libmtp (subject to the rather primitive "example"
applications and serious lack of error checking in libmtp).

The general problems with error checking include:
- SEGV unless $LANG is set to a supported locale
- SEGV if _any_ USB device is inaccessible
I'm not immediately concerned with these at present.

The 8.x problem is that it reads OK but writes fail with:
libmtp version: 0.3.1
PTP: Opening session
PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface
PTP: Opening session
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
No devices.

Has anyone got any suggestions for getting writes to work?

Peter Jeremy

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