This is running FreeBSD 6.4-STABLE r197725; I'm in the habit of
updating installed ports on my laptop daily (after updating the
stable/6 slice).

The xlockmore port is at 5.29, updating 01 Oct 2009.

I normally use the piewm Window Manager (I got used to tvtwm back in
'93, and piewm is based on it and is very similar).

If I try to issue "xlock -mode random" using either piewm or tvtwm, I
now get:

X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GetWindowAttributes)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x45
  Serial number of failed request:  82
  Current serial number in output stream:  83

If I exit either of those Window Managers and fire up twm, xlock does
not issue that message, and seems to run normally (at least in most

I believe that this change in behavior coincided with the update to
xlockmore (01 Oct); I didn't mention it earlier because something odd
also appears to have happened with DRI support recently, and I wasn't
clear enough on the interrelationships to be reasonably confident that I
was reporting things properly.

I also run stable/7 and head slices (each with the misc/compat6x port
installed, so I'm using a shared /usr/local among all slices).
xlockmore appears to run OK in 7.2-STABLE r197901 and head r197928,
though I'm unable to run X with DRI enabled in those environments.

In checking the Net for other reports of similarissues, I see that
xlockmore has had issues in the past with virtual window managers (ref.
<>, from Thu, 19
May 2005 11:18:03 UTC).

Would it make more sense (for getting the issue resolved) for me to try
reverting xlockmore to the previous version or some other approach?
While I'm OK hacking code, I certainly don't claim much in-depth
understanding of much X-related code; on the other hand, I do have local
mirrors of the FreeBSD CVS & SVN repositories handy.


David H. Wolfskill                    
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See for my public key.

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