Hi all,

I need some help with this one please, MailScanner and Perl are really starting to tick me off :(

I upgraded MailScanner a little while along with a number of other ports, which unfortunately included a micro update to Perl. On FreeBSD it went from perl-5.10.0 to perl-5.10.1, and judging by the error messages in the maillog, it seems that the old taint mode problem has resurfaced. Basically these errors are shown in the maillog and MailScanner cannot run properly:

Could not use Custom Function code /usr/local/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/SpamWhitelist.pm, it could not be "require"d. Make sure the last line is "1;" and the module is correct with perl -wc (Error: Insecure dependency in require while running with -T switch at /usr/local/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/Config.pm line 754.

I'm seeing this same error message being shown for these files as well: MyExample.pm, DavidHooton.pm, LastSpam.pm, GenericSpamScanner.pm, CustomAction.pm, Ruleset-from-Function.pm and ZMRouterDirHash.pm.

From what I understand, FreeBSD runs perl programs with the -T option (taint mode), which is basically some additional security check. If I'm reading this right, the additional security check (for some reason) seems to have a problem with 'eval { require $fullfile; };', the code used to require the CustomFunction modules MailScanner uses:

  $fullfile = "$dir/$filename";
  next unless -f $fullfile and -s $fullfile;
  eval { require $fullfile; };
  if ($@) {
    MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Could not use Custom Function code %s, " .
                              "it could not be \"require\"d. Make sure " .
                              "the last line is \"1;\" and the module " .
                              "is correct with perl -wc (Error: %s)",
                              $fullfile, $@);

I don't believe other OSs are having this problem, so it seems to be something FreeBSD specific. This has happened before following a Perl upgrade (I believe it was when we went from 5.8.8 to 5.8.9), but the solution to it at the time was to upgrade to 5.10.0, which made the problem go away.

Unfortunately, as we can see, upgrading from 5.10.0 to 5.10.1 has made the issue manifest itself again and I can't figure out what the hell is going wrong.

Does this make sense to anyone? Naturally I've reported this problem to the MailScanner people as well; but I think due to time constraints and because this isn't affecting other OSs, they don't seem to be able to offer much help at the moment.

Some people have said they have been able to get it to upgrade successfully using 5.10.1, but still a large number of people haven't (despite following the exact same upgrade procedure they did). Even when doing a fresh FreeBSD 7.2 install completely from scratch, it seems this problem still occurs - it just doesn't make sense.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


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