On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 12:04:22PM +0100, Sandra Kachelmann wrote:
> Today I had the pleasure to install some java port and well it was
> quite frustrating. I still have to download all the distfiles
> manually. Isn't FreeBSD now officially supported by Sun? Is it really
> still necessary to manually fetch the distfiles or is this something
> that could be looked at again?
> Theoretically:
> What if the port would just point to the distfiles and don't actually
> host them on any FreeBSD mirror. Wouldn't that be legal? I mean a link
> some site that provides instruction on how to build an atomic bomb is
> still legal as well, right? If so I could simply upload the distfiles
> to some russian FTP server and nobody but Sun would really care.
> This is so annyoing:
> - Manually fetch
> - Login to some bloated sun.com site
> ARGHH!!!
> </frustration>
> Sandra

Why not just use diablo-{jdk,jre}-* then?

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