On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Howard Goldstein <h...@queue.to> wrote:
> Michal Varga wrote:
>> After the recent boost upgrade to 1.41, net-p2p/deluge needs to be
>> recompiled to actually start, otherwise one just gets a nice
>> crash/deadlock (I didn't investigate as I already remember the exactly
>> same issue with previous boost upgrade, so went directly for
>> recompilation).
> Thanks for posting this.   Just to be on the safe side I'm rebuilding
> gimp and some other friends that weren't rebuilt after the boost update.
Same for me. While GIMP and abiword seemed to be starting fine, i
don't want to risk crashing it when I execute some plugin/extension
that actually uses boost and well, lose my work :)

On the other hand, that issue may be specific to boost-python-libs,
deluge is the only app I have that actually uses it, so the C side of
boost *might* be innocent here.

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