2010/2/18 Rene Ladan <r.c.la...@gmail.com>:
> 2010/2/15 Martin Wilke <m...@freebsd.org>:
>> we've setup a SVN [1] and small wiki page [2] with all needed infomations.
>> If you have intrested to help us a bit please mail me back or join
>> us via irc EFnet/#freebsd-xorg.
>> [1]
>> http://trillian.chruetertee.ch/ports/browser/branches/xorg-dev
>> [2]:
>> http://wiki.freebsd.org/ModularXorg/7.5
> It seems I cannot load radeon_drv nor radeonhd_drv with revision 120
> of xorg-dev :
This is solved now, however...
> I have these two drivers referred in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and linked to
> the Screen and ServerLayout sections, but nothing else.  The default
> xorg.conf wants to load ati_drv which is unsuitable (ATI X1450).
No more /etc/X11/xorg.conf for now...

> There might be some old patch files in the files/ directories laying
> around in my ports tree, since I just cp'ed the new files to
> /usr/ports.  I didn't get any build errors however.
After a full 'portmaster -a -f' I still cannot start twm (via startx) nor XFCE4.

The log file is ftp://rene-ladan.nl/pub/Xorg.0.log
It looks like the default acceleration is XAA, but my card seems to
want EXA.  I might add that manually to xorg.conf once Xorg itself
runs again.  The only other things are that the memory is currently
too fragmented for DRI and that HAL can't initialize its context due
to some unknown error.


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