On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 13:09:38 -0600 (MDT)
Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:
> > Before reporting failures, please take a look at ports@ list, and
> > http://qat.tecnik93.com/index.php?action=failed_buildports&sort=last_built
> > to find out if the problem hasn't already been reported or even
> > fixed. We also have two incremental builds on Pointy to catch the
> > problems.
> wxgtk26 needs the same patch as wxgtk28:
> --- Makefile.orig       2010-03-28 12:52:41.000000000 -0600
> +++ Makefile    2010-03-28 12:54:17.000000000 -0600
> @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
>   post-patch:
>          @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|pkg_config_args
> --cflags|pkg_config_args pangox --cflags|g ; \ s|pkg_config_args
> --libs|pkg_config_args pangox --libs|g' \
> +               -e 's|png_check_sig|png_sig_cmp|g' \
>                          ${WRKSRC}/configure
>   .include <bsd.port.mk>
> ...although adding another -e option instead of just extending the 
> existing one seems unnecessary.

Committed, thanks!

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"
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